November 20th, 2015

My Story of Origin

February 1995

I had just made it to the island of Diu, in the province of Gujarati, India after taking 8 months to go overland from Europe to India.

I was staying at a guesthouse with a group of international travelers. After spending a few days in this beach town, and relaxing for the 1st time in months, I felt super empowered.

It was scary for me to go overland to India via Ukraine, Russia, Kazakstan, Western China, Tibet, and Nepal. It was not a relaxing trip.

While sitting on the beach, injoying a beer with motley crue of folks, I felt like I could do anything. I was 24 years old and realized at that moment while folks around the table talked of their life back home, their journey, that I had choices. I was free.

I could do anything. I did not have todo what I thought my parents, friends or people I grew up with thought I should do.

The evidence was all around me. There are so many options in this world, and no one is stopping me. The fear of following the crowd was gone. I did not feel the need to impress anyone, anymore.

I could be me.


Life Changing Journey/Moment…

Share the story of your life-changing RTW journey or the “A-HA” moment you had that changed your perspective on life.

Note: This can be before, during or after your travels.

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