Is this it?!

Sean Keener's Personal Blog

November 5th, 2011

Travel and Kindness – #Indie30

Day 5. Kindness
One of the greatest joys of travel can be the random acts of kindness you’ll receive from total strangers. Have you ever found kindness from strangers in unexpected places?

Tools and inspiration: See how travel nurtures peace and goodwill

November 4th, 2011

Travel Mistakes – #Indie30

Day 4 of #Indie30. Mistakes
Everyone makes mistakes. We forget to ask for Coke without ice in Mexico and spend the rest of the trip in the bathroom. Or we arrive at the airport for a 7pm flight only to realize the flight left at 7am. Tell us the story of your worst travel mistake.

Tools and inspiration: Read up on how to cope with some of the most common travel mishaps

November 3rd, 2011

Music and Indie Travel – #Indie30

3. Music
Music and travel memories often go hand in hand. A song can inspire our explorations, or it can take us back to a specific place and time. Tell us about your travel playlist and what it means to you.

November 2nd, 2011

Embrace Change – #Indie30

Day 2 theme is Embracing change
Change can be exciting and bring new joys into our lives. But it can present challenges that frustrate or annoy us. How has travel changed you in the last year? Did you welcome these changes or resist them at the time, and how do you feel about them now?

Tools and inspiration: Read how traveling lightly changes one travelers life

Also check our Jessie’s entry on Embracing Change – love it.

Is this it?! Sean Keener's Personal Blog

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