Is this it?!

Sean Keener's Personal Blog

January 6th, 2025

Observations for January 2025

Hope each one of you, and your families are well. I had a little bit of “different time” past 17 days as I was out of PacNW and in a warm climate out of my normal routine.

A few observations about myself and the world that I am observing

People’s heads are pointed downward a lot in public. Pointed down towards a phone, while they are running, eating with others, in a car, while driving, sitting in a cafe, sitting on the beach and more….looking at a phone.

Because of the above point – the social interaction between humans has changed in a massive way (I’m not saying you all don’t know this – I’m just observing it) – Rusty Guinn captures this idea well I think.

My previous 10+ years, my attention was on my kids, my businesses and trying to keep the wheels on. During that time, a lot has changed culturally, and of course, I have changed too.

Warm climates (Less winter) are better for me. I’m happier, my achilles is “warmed up” in 1 minutes vs 30 minutes in cold as example – I knew this already – just re-learning for the Nth time.

The world online/digital changes SOOOOO much faster than the real world (though the real world changes pretty quick too compared to what our ancestors experienced) that the 2nd and 3rd order consequences of this digital change are challenging to understand and manage for ourselves and our children (if we even can)

I daydreamed of sharing some ideas/observations on the flight back yesterday – so I did it.

Not sure if makes sense, or is helpful in anyway – oh well.

Lots of love

Is this it?! Sean Keener's Personal Blog

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