I am less than a year from turning 40 as of January 2012 and I’ve been thinking a lot about my time on this earth…
Been thinking:
– that I may be about 1/2 way through life (If life expectancy is 80)
– How do I want to spend the next 40 years. Is it any different than the first 40
– How can I make the biggest positive impact on the people who’s lives I come in touch with
– What do I need to change to keep my body in optimal health (versus the ease of staying healthy as a young person)
– Where do I want to spend the remaining time?
I don’t know the answers to the above, but I injoy thinking about them, and embracing the change in all of them.
I’ve been asking older people that I have met recently, what they think about being +40 – and any wisdom about it that I might learn from.