Is this it?!

Sean Keener's Personal Blog

March 27th, 2008

BootsnAll on CNN

We’ve been mentioned and linked to many times over the years, from blogs, to websites, to the folks at CNN, WSJ and other MSM folks. It’s always a pleasure to be regarded as an expert in one area or another.

CNN featured some of our content last friday: Gadgets for the Road.

An interesting sidenote on it from a traffic perspective, even though our site is linked prominently in the flash display of the article/feature, it has driven only 22 visitors to Travel Gear Blog since the article almost 6 days ago. When I clicked the link, the firefox pop-up blocker stopped my browser from opening the window. Oh well.

March 25th, 2008

BootsnAll B-Sides

If you know me, some of the other folks at BnA, or BootsnAll – maybe you’ll find this funny like I did.

March 17th, 2008

Bear Stearns: Sad Story of Legal Robbery

The 2007 calendar year was one in which America’s financial system more or less collapsed, though we didn’t realize how thoroughly until early in 2008. It was also a year in which Wall Street paid out record bonuses, a total of $38 billion at just a handful of banks (source). One of the firms that paid out $billions, Bear Stearns, essentially went bankrupt last week, but is being bailed out at taxpayer expense (story).

More and via Philip Greenspun

How fucked up is this shit? Billions in bonuses and then taxpayers pay the final bill. Legal Robbery. Thou shalt not steal GW.

Is this it?! Sean Keener's Personal Blog

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