Is this it?!

Sean Keener's Personal Blog

November 22nd, 2006

Zen and Robert Pirsig

Just read this interview of Robert Pirsig. It was very interesting to read about this man…I had read this book shortly after travelling for about a year, over 10 years ago and it was a book that made me think and not just entertain me. If you are thinking about travelling, or have just travelled for an extensive period of time, check out this book, “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintainence“. Awesome stuff.

Happy Thanksgiving Folks!

November 21st, 2006

BaliBlog: World’s 1st on location Travel Blog

Who know’s if he was the 1st, but Nick has been travel blogging in Bali, Indonesia for almost 4 years now. Way before Blogs were what they are today. I just had a chat on the phone with him and he is still cranking out the information on Bali.

We have changed the design and platform for his blog about 6 times in the past 4 years. Not easy to be changing that much – but we used BaliBlog as a test platform for a lot of the Travel Logues that we are doing today. I think we have found the platform we are gonna stick with now. (WordPress hacked)

Is this it?! Sean Keener's Personal Blog

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